Residency Action Committee Vehicle
(ARTcycle Residency)
INDEX space
July - August 2012
The residency
produced some interesting glimpses of peoples' experiences and thinking
about their environment, their passion for preserving and restoring the
environment, for creating places of rest and restoration, of social and
sporting interest, and of the invaluable contribution to the quality of
life of inner Sydney residents and visitors.
It was the
opportunity to represent works creating new relationships within the
discussions around pollution, environment, perceptions and place. Works
in progress documenting and promoting the Sydney Green Ring were
presented for consideration as were various propositions for possible
future development.
Contributing Artists:
Ariel Riveros Pavez
Bronwyn Touhy
Gilbert Grace
Susannah Williams
Adrien Clement
Alex Wisser
Sandra Winkleworth
Ariel Riveros Pavez
'Medium', 'Large', 'Small', three poems.
Bronwyn Touhy
'Cooks River AfterFacts', 'Aftermath', 'White Trash'.
'Cooks River AfterFacts', 'Aftermath', 'White Trash'.
ARTcycle Inc
'fender blender' to blend the soup.
'fender blender' to blend the soup.
Gilbert Grace
'Tempe Trike Trial', a proposal for development.
'Tempe Trike Trial', a proposal for development.
Sydney Green Ring map
The map was the basis for the Arte Povera workshop.
The map was the basis for the Arte Povera workshop.
Susannah Williams
'Untitled', inspired by da Vinci's machines, meditations on her previous employment with fossil fuel companies.
'Untitled', inspired by da Vinci's machines, meditations on her previous employment with fossil fuel companies.
Gilbert Grace
Various proposals for future development including Adopt a Tree, 7000 Oaks-Sydney, Tempe Trike Trials and The Sydney Green Ring tours.
Various proposals for future development including Adopt a Tree, 7000 Oaks-Sydney, Tempe Trike Trials and The Sydney Green Ring tours.
Sydney Green Ring
including maps, documentation, a sample of the art journal started on the Rolling Sketch Tour, and Sydney Green Ring posters inspired by Situationist International's psychogeographic map, 'Naked Paris'.
including maps, documentation, a sample of the art journal started on the Rolling Sketch Tour, and Sydney Green Ring posters inspired by Situationist International's psychogeographic map, 'Naked Paris'.
Alex Wisser
'Untitled', three photographs of local trees for the Adopt a Tree project.
'Untitled', three photographs of local trees for the Adopt a Tree project.
Adrien Clement
'Untitled', sample of his Rolling Sketch Tour journal.
'Untitled', sample of his Rolling Sketch Tour journal.
Sandra Winkleworth
'Untitled', documentation for artist book sourced from the GreenWay.
'Untitled', documentation for artist book sourced from the GreenWay.
Gilbert Grace
'Savannah Eastlake', documenting aspects and moods of the Sydney Green Ring.
The series of events under 'The Gamut' aegis has been completed with the ARTcycle Inc residency at INDEX space, 60 Hutchinson St, St Peters.
(All images copyright of the artists)
Angelina Russo,
Connie Anthes,
Diego Bonetto,
Georgina Pollard,
Gilbert Grace,
James Gatt,
Jardine Hansen,
Jessica Meyer,
Josh Harle,
Julia Landrey,
Ken Simpson,
Suzanne Williams.
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Left, Alex Wisser, 'You call that street art', diagrams, photographs and stencil. Right, Pineapple Park, 'Acousitc Listening Device'. |
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Angelina Russo, 'CultureCycle', fabric bombing a bicycle. |
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Georgina Pollard, 'Projecting', interactive mapping performance. |
Jardine Hansen, 'Come Spring We Drown In Flowers', flowers, screens, skull, scent. |
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Joshua Harle, 'Untitled', interactive video of riding The Sydney Green Ring. |
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Julia Landry, 'Untitled', intereactive installation. |
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Ken Simpson, 'Untitled', drawing with light on photographic source |
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Rohan Story, 'Untitled', generator bicycle installation, powering video. |
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Suzie Williams, 'RATFINKPup Travels vi, vii, viii', paper collage & mixed media. |
Alex Wisser
"You call that street art?"
I propose creating a stencil and spray painting it temporarily along the green ring. My project is an improvised and temporary enactment of the more permanent signage that we hope one day will adorn The Sydney Green Ring. The actual application of the stencil is only the surface of this work. The majority of the work will happen behind the scenes, as I will seek permission from all thirteen councils through which The Sydney Green Ring passes. As I do this, I will document my process.
This will have several outcomes. It will raise awareness within the councils of the existence of The Sydney Green Ring, and involve many of the decision makers and facilitators that will be necessary to implement both projects. My documentation and art work will also serve as an educational endeavour, illuminating the obscure functioning of Council, rendering it less intimidating and more transparent. This work will also give credit to and celebrate the contribution of the many council workers and other functionaries.
Connie Anthes
Proposal Summary: To recolonise and demarginalise the Green Ring landscape, by drawing connections to the "unseen" using guerilla gardening techniques (selective plantings of native grasses and groundcovers) to form symbols that are integrated into the landscape.
I see the Green Ring is a non-place, made by arbitrarily (naturally?) connecting a series of adjacent places or corridors. I am attempting to highlight this strangeness and perhaps even create a new sense of place with this work, by caring for a small series of hotspots around the Green Ring. Using the casual language of Google "place icons" (typically a red teardop shape with a targeted centre), I intend to plant out this shape on a hillside, in a weed patch, amongst earthworks, up a blank wall... wherever feels right. The work, as a long term project, will provide a fleeting sense of nomadic ownership, in a similar way to the walking works of Richard Long (such as England, 1968). At least when the work "grows out" it will be replacing colonised land with native vegetation.
Culture Cycle - Angelina Russo
About CultureCycle
CultureCycle began as a convergence of my experience in design, my love for museums and my highly developed skill in crochet. This innovative convergence is played out in the development of cultural cycling tours which use museum exhibitions as inspirations for creative practice; a range of highly reflective handmade crochet cycling wear which incorporates reflective yarns; writings and publications on the rise of urban cycling; and crochet workshops which introduce participants to the skill while engaging them in inter-generational storytelling.
Diego Bonetto
“Walk the green Way”
The work “Walk the green Way” is a one channel video installation with a flat screen mounted portrait.
Approx 5/8 minute content (still to be created)
The viewer is taken for a walk, amongst the grass of an urban green way.
Panels and identification shots will present the species encountered.
Georgina Pollard
A chalk board and a projection of a map of the Sydney Green Ring will produce an image of how we know the landscape. Participants are invited to draw with chalk on the board how they remember and would like to see the Green Ring. Two maps are superimposed, one drawn in light is taken from google maps, the other is drawn with chalk as a map that is felt, remembered and a projection into our possible future.
Gilbert Grace
'Taking A Line For A Ride'
Description: A video of the real time journey circumnavigating the Sydney Green Ring will be juxtaposed with a digitally captured and manipulated series of sketches of the Sydney Green Ring. The fixed point of view of the camera bolted to the handlebar of the bike will be a counterpoint to the more literal way in which the sketches will represent the eyes and head movements as the body responds to physical and environment sensory stimuli.
Jessica Meyer & Jardine Hansen
‘Come Spring, We Drown in Flowers’
'Come Spring, We Drown in Flowers' is a celebration of the natural world which explores the vital emotional connection between humans and the landscape.
The intricacies and scope of our response to the power of the changing seasons fascinates and daunts us.
Using found objects, flowers, seedlings, vines and moss the installation attempts to encourage admiration for and reflection on the exuberance of nature.
The intent is also to reflect upon the tension between humanity and the environment, examining the influences exerted on either side and the responsibilities which bind us in this relationship.
The intricacies and scope of our response to the power of the changing seasons fascinates and daunts us.
Using found objects, flowers, seedlings, vines and moss the installation attempts to encourage admiration for and reflection on the exuberance of nature.
The intent is also to reflect upon the tension between humanity and the environment, examining the influences exerted on either side and the responsibilities which bind us in this relationship.
Josh Harle
The artwork will follow the entire circumference of the Green Ring, charting out the path as a gigantic reconstructed image (See example reconstruction). The reconstruction will then be made accessible via an iPad/iPhone application, where visitors can traverse the Green Ring, “walking” through it with their fingers.
3D Bike Video Installation from Josh Harle on Vimeo.
Julia Landrey
5 bicycle wheels would hang horizontally at different heights, suspended by ropes (reinforced with sticks) and connected to a horizontal pole. Attached to each wheel are two vertical metal wires that hook into a plastic sphere. The spheres will be able to spin, as would the wheels – creating both horizontal and vertical spinning. Inside each of the spheres different objects would be placed: fair trade coffee beans, African toys animals, barley, a tiny whip and an old lady figurine.
The sculpture would be like a giant mobile, a pillow and matt would be placed underneath the sculpture to encourage people to lie underneath watch and spin the sculpture.
Ken Simpson
I’d like to choose at least ten sights around the green ring and photograph them at dusk/night using long exposures. A cyclist will ride through the image composition creating a trail of light: a light sketch of a fragment of the green ring.
This is a work in progress but the images I propose to make will have similar exposures.
Pineapple Park is Adrian Clement and James Gatt.
The first butterfly has come:
Asked for its color
I answered yellow
—Takahama Kyoshi
The Acoustic Listening Device was a re-design of ‘acoustic listening devices’ developed by the Dutch as part of the air defence systems research between World War 1 and 2. The Pineapple Park Acoustic Listening Device is based on two primary structures: yellow transparent acrylic cubes with shapes cut out of them for the purpose of wearability and manipulating sound.
Rohan Story
Untitled installation
Stationary bicycle(s) fitted with brushless motors, computer, led screen. Dimensions variable.
Creative repurposing of gym equipment (stationary gym bicycles and an indoor cycle trainer roller) and washing machines (brushless motors from Fisher Paykel machines) enables a rider to exercise and watch their favourite soap simultaneously. The video being displayed is of 'The Gauntlet', a preliminary event to The Gamut.
Susannah Williams
RATFINKPup Travels vi, vii, viii
Paper collage & mixed media
The current focus of my art practice is drawing. Continually I explore the formal concerns of drawing namely colour, line and structure. My work is repeatedly site specific, process driven and ephemeral in nature and transverses the activities of installation, sculpture and painting. I repeatedly engage with the themes of history, memory, movement, feeling and space.
For this project Sketching the Gamut, I wished to undertake a series of experimental drawn wall works that further develop and continue the theme of ‘RatFink Pup Travels - Installations of my dog Oscar’; explore the corner site at index studios; and utilize a variety of materials from paper collage, foam core, pins and string to aluminum cans and found objects.
For this project Sketching the Gamut, I wished to undertake a series of experimental drawn wall works that further develop and continue the theme of ‘RatFink Pup Travels - Installations of my dog Oscar’; explore the corner site at index studios; and utilize a variety of materials from paper collage, foam core, pins and string to aluminum cans and found objects.
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